Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Cooper's Hawks Pictures, Images and Photos

I know hawks eat snakes, small rodents, and lizards.

I know hawks live in the zoo, and North America.

I know hawks screeched.

I know hawks will chase the snakes, the small rodents, and the lizards.

A baby hawk is called a chick.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


owls Pictures, Images and Photos

I know owls eat snakes, and mice.

I know owls live in the zoo, and the forest.

I know owls hooted.

I know owls sleep in the tree hole of the tree at night.

A baby owl is called a chick.

I know owls will chase the snakes, and the mice.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Cascade Falcons Pictures, Images and Photos

I know falcons eat smaller birds.

I know falcons live in the zoo, and the forest.

I know falcons screeched.

I know falcons sleep in the tree at night.

A baby falcon is called a chick.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


ostriches 10-19 Pictures, Images and Photos

I know ostriches eat fruits, reptiles, insects, and alarm clocks.

I know ostriches live in the zoo, the jungle, and Africa.

I know ostriches sleep in the nests at night.

A male ostirch is called a rooster.

A female ostrich is called a hen.

A baby ostrich is called a chick.

I know ostriches will chase the reptiles, and the insects.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


eagles Pictures, Images and Photos

I know eagles eat fish, and snakes.

I know eagles live in the zoo, and North America.

I know eagles screeched.

I know eagles sleep in the tree at night.

A baby eagle is called a chick.

I know eagles will chase the fish, and the snakes.

Friday, October 24, 2008


pumas Pictures, Images and Photos

I know pumas eat deer.

I know pumas live in the zoo, the forest, and North America.

I know pumas roared.

I know pumas will chase the deer.

I know pumas sleep in the den at night.

A baby puma is called a cub.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Lizards. Pictures, Images and Photos

I know lizards eat crickets.

I know lizards live in the zoo, the jungle, the desert, the forest, and South America.

I know lizards sleep on the rocks at night.

I know lizards will chase the crickets.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Panthers Pictures, Images and Photos

I know panthers eat meat.

I know panthers live in the zoo, the jungle, and Asia.

I know panthers roared.

I know panthers sleep in the den at night.

A baby panther is called a cub.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Hornbills Pictures, Images and Photos

I know hornbills eat fruit, small mammals, birds, lizards, snakes, and insects.

I know hornbills live in the zoo, the jungle, and Africa.

I know hornbills squawked.

I know hornbills will chase the small mammals, the birds, the lizards, the snakes, and the insects.

A baby hornbill is called a chick.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


skunks Pictures, Images and Photos

I know skunks eat insects, larvae, earthworms, eggs, reptiles, small mammals, fish, fruits, and plants.

I know skunks live in the zoo, the forest, the woodlands, the brushy area, fields, prairies, the deserts, North America, and South America.

I know skunks will chase the insects, the earthworms, the small mammals, and the fish.

I know skunks sleep in the den, piles of rocks, and the hollow logs at night.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Pronghorns Pictures, Images and Photos

I know pronghorns eat grasses, and shrubs.

I know prognhorns live in the zoo, the grasslands, shrubby areas, and North America.

I know pronghorns sleep under the trees at night.

A male prognhorn is called a buck.

A female pronghorn is called a doe.

A baby pronghorn is called a fawn.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Porcupines! Pictures, Images and Photos

I know porcupines eat bark, leaves, buds, stems, fruits, and crops.

I know porcupines live in the zoo, the forest, the desert, and grasslands, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

I know porcupines sleep in the tree at night.

The north american porcupines live in North America.

The prehensile porcupines live in South America.

The crested porcupines live in Africa.

I know porcupines will kill the bobcat, the hyena, and the fisher.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Pandas Pictures, Images and Photos

I know pandas eat bamboo, birds, and small rodents.

I know pandas live in the zoo, and Asia.

I know pandas sleep in the tree hole of the tree at night.

A baby panda is called a cub.

I know pandas will chase the birds, and the small rodents.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Otters Pictures, Images and Photos

I know otters eat fish, shellfish, small mammals, water birds, eggs, frogs, earthworms, and plants.

I know otters live in the zoo, North America, South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia.

I know otters sleep in the water at night.

I know otters will chase the fish, the shellfish, small mammals, water birds, the frogs, and the earthworms.

The african clawless otters live in Africa.

The sea otters live in the western North America, and northeast Asia.

The south american otters live in South America.

I know sea otters will eat the crabs, the sea urchins, the clams, the mussels, the squids, the octopuses, the fish, and the abalones.

I know ther river otters will eat the fish, the shellfish, and the frogs.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Orangutans Pictures, Images and Photos

I know orangutans eat fruits, leaves, flowers, bark, insects, and bananas.

I know orangutans live in the zoo, the jungle, and Asia.

I know orangutans will chase the insects.

I know orangutans sleep in the tree at night.

A baby orangu=tan is called a infant.

Friday, October 10, 2008


opossums Pictures, Images and Photos

I know opossums eat grasses, fruits, nuts, insects, reptiles, and small animals.

I know opossums live in the zoo, the forest, North America, and South America.

I know opossums will chase the insects, the reptiles, and the small animals.

I know opossums sleep upside down on the branch of the tree at night.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Okapis Pictures, Images and Photos

I know okapis eat buds, and leaves.

I know okapis live in the zoo, and Africa.

I know okapis sleep under the trees.

A male okapi is called a buck.

A female okapi is called a doe.

A baby okapi is called a fawn.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008



I know muskrats eat water plants, and shellfish.

I know muskrats live in the zoo, Europe, Asia, and North America.

I know muskrats sleep in the reeds and mud, and burrow at night.

I know muskrats will chase the shellfish.

I know muskrats swam, and dive, and hunt, and eat food.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008



I know musk-oxen eat grasses, willows, and arctic flowers.

I know musk-oxen live in the zoo, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and North America.

A male musk-oxen is called a bull.

A female musk-pxen is called a cow.

A baby musk-oxen is called a calf.

Monday, October 6, 2008



I know mooses eat leaves, bark, twigs, shrubs, herbs, and underwater plants.

I know mooses live in the zoo, the forest, and North America.

I know mooses mooed.

I know mooses sleep under the trees at night.

A male moose is called a bull.

A female moose is called a cow.

A baby moose is called a calf.

Sunday, October 5, 2008



I know manatees eat water plants, sea grasses, and algae.

I know manatees live in the zoo, the ocean, and the sea.

I know manatees sleep in the water at night.

I know manatees swam in the water.

A male manatee is called a bull.

A female manatee is called a cow.

A baby manatee is called a calf.

Saturday, October 4, 2008



I know llamas eat grasses, herbs, and plants.

I know llamas live in the zoo, and South America.

Llamas are related of the camels.

I know llamas watched the mountain lions come, and chase the guanacos.

Llamas, Guanacos, and Alpacas are domestic animals.

Friday, October 3, 2008



I know koalas eat eucalyptus leaves.

I know koalas live in the zoo, and Australia.

I know koalas climbed up the eucalyptus tree.

I know koalas sleep in the eucalyptus tree at night.

A baby koala is called a joey.

I know young koala will ride on the piggyback up a limb.

Thursday, October 2, 2008



I know impalas eat grasses, herbs, bushes, and shrubs.

I know impalas live in the zoo, and Africa.

I know impalas run, speed, and jump.

A baby impala is called a calf.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008



I know gorillas eat bananas, fruits, leaves, wild celeries, roots, tree bark, pulp, and bamboo shoots.

I know gorillas live in the zoo, and the jungle.

I know gorillas roared, and grunted.

I know gorillas sleep in the gorilla nest at night.

A baby gorilla is called a infant.

I know gorillas swinged on a vine.