I know coyotes eat roadrunners, rabbits, squirrels, rats, mice, and sheep.
I know coyotes live in the zoo, the forest, the woods, the prairie, and the desert.
I know coyotes howled at the moon.
I know coyotes sleep in the den, and the cave at night.
I know coyotes will chase the roadrunner, the squirrel, the rabbit, the mouse, the rat and the sheep.
A male coyote is called a dog.
A female coyote is called a bitch.
A baby coyote is called a cub.
Sam how much can coyotes weigh? Do we have coyotes where we live?
We do coyotes in Kansas. Coyotes weigh between 15-40lbs.
Great information. We have a family of coyotes that visit our front lawn a few times a week.
what is the coyotes shelter and habitat? what biome are they found in? what is the coyotes main food and water source? what adaptation do they have in order to survive? what are some interesting facts about the coyote? are they preditors or scavengers or both? are they pprotected, threatened,endangered,or safe at this time? what continent or part of the worrl are they native to?
give me as many answers as you posibly can ok please !!!!!!!!!!!!
hey im doing a report on coyotes what is there habitat and shelter and main food and water sorce? what biome do they live in what are some interesting facts about coyotes and what afaptionscoyotes have to survive????????????????????
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