I know lions eat meat, zebras, wildebeests, antelopes, and giraffes.
I know lions live in the zoo, the jungle, and Africa.
I know lions roared.
I know lions sleep in the cave, and the den at night.
I know lions are nice to the other lions.
A male lion is called a lion.
A female lion is called a lioness.
A baby lion is called a cub.
I know the lion will chase the zebra, the wildebeest, the antelope, and the giraffe.
I really like your new blog. The lion picture you chose is an excellent choice! I look forward to reading your next post.
Hey Sam!
Nice job! What's your next animal of choice? If you ever get around to it, you should do one on a Koala bear!
Take care,
My son wants to become a zoologist. He can't wait to read about more animals on your blog.
Great job!
Sam I love your blog! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you all for reading my blog.
Sam, this is a lovely blog. I love wild animal, especially cats :O)
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